Hi Christy,
Thanks so much for sharing that with me. Our paths sound so similar. My son was about 11 when he was diagnosed, and I too resisted putting him on medication. Finally, in his freshman year of highschool he asked if he could try it, so we went right away.
I’ve been taking to heart that all systems have value, and to be stubborn about blindly sticking to any one system isn’t helpful or can even lead to unnecessary suffering. I’m grateful my schooling and experience help me sort though all the pros and cons. Most importantly, I’ve shed the dogma that in the past would have prevented me from even considering medication.
4 weeks later, I’ve yet to try the medication! The 1st medication was denied by my health plan due to cost. Uggg, that’s a topic for another post.
I should be getting extended release ritalin in a few days…