What’s Great About Having ADD?

Take the stigma out of having a flexible and fluid brain.

Dr. Christine Bradstreet
3 min readJan 23, 2023


A photo of a woman with a brightly colored face. Her hand is also painted and is covering part of her face. She has blue eyes.
mage by Alexandr Ivanov from Pixabay

What’s Great About Having ADD?

I suppose the answer to that question is in the eye of the beholder. I have ADD. I wasn’t officially diagnosed until my early 40s, but it was no surprise.

There’s no universally agreed upon answer. The experience of having Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) can vary greatly from person to person.

At times my energy and impulsivity lead to a heightened sense of energy and creativity, while at others times, it makes it difficult to focus and complete tasks.

Most of the time I find my symptoms are manageable. It’s important to note, I’ve also been able to structure my life to accommodate my symptoms. I work from home and I’m self employed, so I’m not often tied to a rigid schedule.

I can get up and burn off energy as needed. I get a lot of fresh air, exercise, and I eat healthy food.

Certainly, others may struggle more severely with their condition.

What are people with ADD good at?

People with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have a range of strengths and abilities, just like those without the condition.



Dr. Christine Bradstreet

Editor of Change Your Mind Change Your Life and Success On The Spectrum. I wrote a book to help you be happy. Get yours at www.happyeverafter.info